Troy J Sica

Sep 16, 2022

Review: "Maybe Crazy" - Moonroof

If you need a new song to reminisce on a past relationship late at night, on a car ride, or in the shower, "Maybe Crazy," by Moonroof would be the perfect song to try out. With its excellent early 2000's punk rock vibes and accompaniment, combined with its emotional lyricisms and melodic phrases, truly makes this song an anthem to young teens and adults going through heartbreaks.

"Maybe Crazy," by Moonroof is a song that depicts the aftermath of a relationship, the reminiscent feeling that one feels wanting their ex partner back, even if they were not the greatest. With the songs amazing and catchy rhythmic accompaniment combined with its heart tugging lyricism and melodic passages, it truly brings the piece home, making it seem as if the listener is inside the singer's head, fully understanding the pain, depression, and remorse they are trying to portray.

Moonroof is an Indie Pop Band that started in a small college town called Bloomsburg. The members consist of Dave Kim/Lead Vocals, Kevin Randolph/Bass, Francis Convery/Guitar and Dan Rendine/Drums. After the members graduated, they then relocated to a suburb just outside of Philly called Conshohocken. They have released a bunch of songs over the years and many more to come, so if you are interested on their musical journey be sure to follow their socials down below!

Written By Troy Sica