The lyrics of "Chlorine" are so beautiful and relatable. What served as the inspiration behind this song?
Ella: Thank you! This song was inspired by the frustration of moving on from someone who was clearly bad for you, thus the metaphor of liking the smell of chlorine. It's a smell that is nostalgic and reminds you of fun parts of your life, but at the end of the day, it’s toxic. I feel like that is applicable to so many friendships and relationships because we find ourselves so caught up in the fun times we have with someone that we are willing to neglect each red flag and accept every apology.
If "Chlorine" could be added to the soundtrack of any movie, what movie would you choose and why?
Ella: I love this question! It’s hard to pick just one, but one of my favorite movies is The Breakfast Club, and I feel like the coming-of-age vibes match some of the themes in Chlorine. A lot of its feelings are relevant to the high school experiences we get from cliques and toxic people.
What do you want listeners to take away from "Chlorine"?
Ella: I hope that listeners can relate to it and feel seen. One of my biggest goals in the song was to tie together all of the negative feelings with a slight twinge of relief from leaving a toxic person, so I hope this song captures that for them.
If you could spend a day with one celebrity, who would it be, and what would you want to do with them?
Ella: There are so many people that come to mind, but I’d love to spend a day with Joni Mitchell just talking about music. I mean, she is one of the most successful female songwriters in history and is a huge inspiration to me.

When you're not working on music, what do you like to do?
Ella: When I’m not working on my own stuff, I love listening to music and going to concerts. But aside from that, another creative outlet of mine is clothes! I work at a boutique on weekends and I love going thrifting with friends and building my outfits every morning. I see personal style as an opportunity to show your personality to a stranger, which I think is a cool opportunity.
What can we expect from you in 2023?
Ella: I have some things in the works for 2023 that I’m excited to share. I’m hoping to have a few singles and an EP out soon, so stick around if you like Chlorine!
Interviewed By Tessa Brainard