Q: ‘Indifferent’ is so catchy! What is the meaning behind the song?
Kayla: Thank you! Indifferent is a song written for those who have been hurt by someone over and over but used that pain as ignition to become a better version of themselves. This song can be interpreted in many ways, it doesn't have to be about a significant other. It's about reaching your full potential on your own without anyone holding you back. Personally, when I listen to this song, it inspires me to keep striving to be the best I can be.
Q: What was your favorite part about creating this song?
Kayla: My favorite part of making this song was how creative I was able to be with it. Nowadays with technology, anything in music is possible and there are infinite sounds and vibes you can create when it comes to the production.
Q: Who is someone you would love to collaborate with?
Kayla: I would love to collaborate with Banks because I feel that we have many things in common and I love the uniqueness of each of her songs.
Q: How does music make you feel?
Kayla: Music gives me an opportunity to express my feelings and it has always been a very important part of my life. If I’m ever feeling low, listening to my favorite songs can brighten my mood! And on the flip side, when all is well, listening to music, keeps me in a happy place.

Q: Do you have any hobbies outside of music?
Kayla: Growing up, I played soccer and although I haven’t played in a while, I would really like to get back into it. I also enjoy cooking and often make a variety of dishes for my friends and family.
Q: What are you most looking forward to in terms of your musical career?
Kayla: I am most looking forward to being able to have a positive impact on others through my music. I hope they will be able to connect with my music sonically and lyrically because when I write, I bring my deepest emotions to the songs. I hope that others can relate and know they are not alone in the way they may feel at times. I also look forward to being able to do more performances and collaborating with other artists.
Interviewed By Kendall Koval