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  • Kaitlyn Nicole

Review: "Down to the Devil" - Charlie PS

Anxiety will get the better of you every time if you let it. Its consistent nagging about the worst-case scenario is just one of its many symptoms and it’s one I hate. Charlie PS feels similarly. Her newest track Down to the Devil touches on these feelings under a Southern blues rock instrumental that has me begging for more. With some intense vocals, ripping guitar, and booming bass lines, the track follows all the key steps of a blues rock track. The production is thick, adding a griminess to the soundscape that is needed for the genre. The track is so relatable and wrapped up in one of my favorite genres.

If you're a fan of artists like ZZ Ward and Grace Potter, you’ll love Charlie PS. She takes the gritty sounds of southern blues rock and mixes them with the modern sounds of pop rock to create what can only be described as a sonic melting pot. Her powerhouse vocals alongside vibrant guitar riffs are a nod to the 20th-century artists who influenced her but also a unique take on the genre. Her latest track “Down to the Devil” is the perfect example of these influences. As Charlie rips through the blues rock genre with her vocal abilities she sings of her tendency to consider the worst case scenarios. Charlie is a monster of lyricism and creativity. Utilizing an industrial chain as a live sample to call back to the original influences of the song. She found herself enamored by the southern instrumentals used in prison shows and the main hook of the record mirrors this element. Down to the Devil is a dynamic track with layers of intrigue that can be unwrapped with each listen. Southern blues is a genre rarely touched nowadays and Charlie PS does it justice with this catchy track.

Charlie PS is a Vancouver-based musician who has rock pumping in her veins. This track is the second single to come off her upcoming EP Even If It Kills Me. The EP is set to drop in November but until then we have some amazing tracks to get us through the coming weeks. With her ventures into new genres and her willingness to try any new sound, this EP is sure to excite anyone. The EP will feature everything from ensemble vocals to live horn lines. It calls out the risk-takers and the secretly insecure all concisely and compellingly. I can not wait to hear what Charlie PS has to bring to the table with her new releases.

Written By Kaiana Lee



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