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Review: "I Should Sell My Story To A TV Network" - Emma Mae

"Got a front row seat; to the sitcom of my life" are the wise words on Emma Mae's hot new single titled "I Should Sell My Story To A TV Network" which discusses the idea of selling your soul to the devil through elevating your own passions. This is no different for famous people who have to deal with the absurdity of the public who know who they are and have seen them in various outlets of the media (music, TV, etc). Emma puts a spark on it by asking herself "I should my story to a TV network" and depicts a person who is only hungry for fame and will go to extremes to get there.

This song has raw and real emotion! Emma's vocals are so smooth when singing over the dreamy yet awake instrumentation that goes back and forth throughout different segments of the song. Just like the cover, this song gives off a very bright and colorful vibe throughout majority of it especially the chorus where the tempo rises with the drum machine and acoustic guitar licks. Emma has amazing vocal control and knows when to use her voice at the right time including in different pockets of when the instrumentation stops and starts in the song. You can tell that Emma was having fun with creating this! LIFE LESSON 101: DON'T SELL YOURSELF TO A TV NETWORK!

Emma Mae is a singer-songwriter from the UK who has stepped foot in the music game since 2019 when Emma released her debut single titled "Fuckboy" as well as releasing singles throughout the pandemic including "When Paris Calls" and "She Knows". Emma has also done collaborations with a few DJs and artists from the UK as well including Thom Merlin on their single "Don't Wanna Love You" that gained some nice attention. Emma is far from done and wants to keep pushing her fun and energetic indie-pop sound to other works! Don't get caught up with the artists on TV! Go give her a shot!

Written By Miles Tutor



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