"Keep Me From Falling Apart" by Brainheart and Dorel is a heartfelt collaboration that will make you think of the relationships you cherish most. This pop track is wonderfully done in all categories. Production is attractive and sleek, lyricism is simple and sweet, and Dorel’s voice is rich and experienced. It’s a song about being open with the person you love and how they are one of the only ones who can stop you from falling into a rut with your emotions, when they leave it all falls apart. This song is a must-add to your love playlists this year.
My first thought while listening to this track was that I was reminded of the mid-2010s. Specifically, I thought of indie R&B pop artist Jaymes Young. This track tells a story of conflict and hopeful resolution. Maybe you and the person you crave are occasionally rocky, but they are the first person you think to go to when you feel yourself slipping. You can admit that maybe you are challenging, but you are incredibly grateful for this person. You have no idea what you would do without them.
Roi Zohar, who you probably know as Brainheart, is a well-versed music artist. He produces, writes, and DJs. He first used music as a distraction from school, which he loathed. It quickly became much more than a distraction, and he fell in love with the art. He has an impressive 90,000 monthly listeners and a couple of tracks that have amassed more than a million streams. He released his first track on Spotify in 2019 and has kept creating since then.
Written By Emma Kimberli