"Move On" is the latest single from talented singer-songwriter Jenny Kern. The title of the song perfectly sums up the message the track sends out to listeners. Surrounded by dreamy pop sounds, Jenny Kern sings about the nuance of moving on from a situation or relationship. In signing about this topic Jenny Kern, shows listeners the strength that comes in moving on beyong a toxic situation. Furthermore, she provides insight into the self growth that arises from putting yourself first and letting go of the things holding you back. With this Jenny Kern, really connects with her audience and listeners in her new single, "Move On."
A highlight from the song "Move On," sonically, is the voice of Jenny Kern. Her voice is haunting and dreamy, while still maintaining a slight rasp that adds authenticity. In using her vocal styling Jenny Kern is able to effectively present the song's content and lyrics to listeners, in a way that allows listeners to connect to what she is singing. The song's instrumentals do a great job at propelling the song foward, but leaving Jenny Kern's voice and lyrics as the focal point, allowing for her vocal styling to really come through.
Jenny Kern is a Canadian born, singer-songwriter, currently based in Brooklyn, New York. After releasing her debut single "Slow Burn", Jenny Kern gained praise and attention for her unique vocal style and original lyrics. Following the attention from her debut single, Jenny Kern went on an international tour. Since then Jenny Kern has released various other singles and projects that have each progressed her career to where she is now. Releasing her four song EP in 2021 was a big accomplishment, granting her over one million streams on Spotify, and three songs on the top 40 charts. Since the release of her first release Jenny Kern also released her latest EP entitled, "Your Heart Knows." With amazing and successful projects under her belt Jenny Kern is expected to release another much anticipated EP some time this year!
Written By Alison Holst