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  • Chantal Charles

Review: "Penguin Wings" - Nihiloceros

Nihiloceros, "Penguin Wings"

Photo credits: Kate Hoos

“Penguin Wings” by Nihiloceros simply proves how old-school punk music can always live in the hearts of those who have a passion for the genre. “Penguin Wings” is a great way to open their brand-new EP “Dark Ice Balloons” and introduce listeners to the themes of the complexity of life and death that Nihiloceros have chosen to explore. There’s a clear ode to 90s punk music that’s reminiscing of artists like No Use for a Name that reminds fans why they fell in love with the genre in the first place. It’s exciting to see how modern artists are using their talents to keep this style alive at a time when these classic sounds tend to be overlooked.

That opening guitar riff screams and serves as an instant attention grabber, playing the role of the opening line of the tale of “Dark Ice Balloons”. The world-building of “Penguin Wings” is uplifted by the punk guitar tones and the talent of the percussion elements. Because the track is somewhat short, the pace of the song works really well, and as mentioned previously, perfectly opens up the EP. The chorus sticks in your head and drags you up to your feet to start moving. What Nihiloceros have done is they have created a great balance with heavy instrumentals that don’t dilute the pop elements that come through in the form of the melody in “Penguin Wings”. Nihiloceros have excelled with this track and they’re definitely working hard to keep this style of music alive through their talent.

Nihiloceros is a band from Brooklyn, New York that consists of guitarist and vocalist, Mike Borchardt, bassist and vocalist Alex Hoffman, and drummer Glenn Gentzke. The band prides itself on maintaining heavy music while still infusing pop elements to create a loud and spunky sound. With “Dark Ice Balloons” the band is truly working hard to bring the concept to life and maneuver themes of life and death. The band tends to tackle heavy subjects like they did with “Self Destroy” released in 2021, and it’s these conversations they have with their music that make them so interesting. “Penguin Wings” is a powerful opening track to “Dark Ice Balloons” and Nihiloceros is a band you certainly won’t forget once you listen.

Written By Chantal Charles


*Sponsored Post - Discovered on Musosoup. A contribution was made to help create this article.


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