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Megan Cao

Review: "Talk of Town" - NOMENA

“Talk of Town” is a soulful anthem contemplating between the “perfect” life and reality. NOMENA draw upon a beautiful narrative as the narrator compares themselves to a peer who, in their eyes, has a perfect and ideal life. But perfect looks different for everyone, and it’s easy to think about what you don’t have instead of cherishing what you do. As NOMENA recommends for the audience to value the diverse experiences they’ve had growing up, the sparkly and crisp production perfectly complements and matches the reflective atmosphere of the track.

NOMENA incorporates a variety of genres-- from retro, acoustic, and good-old-fashioned pop soundscapes as they bounce effortlessly from playful and raw, vulnerable and haunting. This duo’s chemistry is clear to see, and both the production and lyrics work together in such perfect harmony to create an upbeat yet contemplative late night in your feels anthem. Music is empowering, and NOMENA’s mixed hodgepodge of sounds, emotions, and lyrics is a beautiful melding of everything that makes them so irrefutably themselves, looking to give their advice on how they choose to see the world.

“Talk of Town” is NOMENA”s debut single of 2023. NOMENA, a dynamic pop duo of Erika Nomena and Sitraka Andriana, have been making music together for some time first under Erika’s own solo project before finally deciding that their two heads are much better put together. Sitraka is a skilled producer and technician based in Stavanger, collaborating with artists like Fordrekord from Haugesund and Hkeem. Erika has gained local and international recognition for her vocal prowess and songwriting abilities. Now, together as NOMENA, Erika and Sitraka propel towards higher and higher heights as they look to release their EP very soon.

Written By Megan Cao


*Sponsored Post - Discovered on Musosoup. A contribution was made to help create this article.

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