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  • Tessa Maddaloni

Review: "turn the light off" - PAENDA

Having a mental illness can be completely debilitating, especially when you struggle to admit to yourself and others how much it affects your day to day life, and how much you are truly hurting. PAENDA’s newest album release “CALL ME CAT” features this notion on the second to last track, titled “turn the light off”. The song is full of lyrics that are beyond relatable and full of truth, as well as an upbeat and classic pop soundscape. The song is very indicative of PAENDA’s music style, electronic and loud, with fluctuating pulses and drum beats. Her vibe is similar to that of Dua Lipa, Ellie Goulding, and Anne-Marie, and this song is certainly not one to miss.

Her lyrics are extremely raw and real, and truly drive home the plot of the song. The chorus starts with “Cuz if I don't let you turn / you can look close enough to see / that all my engines burn / saving myself from being hurt again”. Her voice is full of emotion and angst, as she punctuates each phrase perfectly on beat. The second verse opens with the phrase “Turn the light off / I don't want to face myself”. This idea is heartbreaking, and the rest of this section details the thoughts racing through her mind, the fact that she can’t turn her brain off. She feels like she can’t control her head or her thoughts, and this idea scares her. Despite her feelings of helplessness, the strong background tracks lend strength to PAENDA’s words, and give a structure that proves she is not as weak as she thinks she is.

PAENDA is an Austrian pop sensation, who has amassed almost 200,000 monthly Spotify streamers. She self produces all of her music, and is one of a very few female artists to do so. Her determined and strong minded nature shines through in her music, which is a fresh take on the classic genre of pop. Her shock of bright blue hair shows her creativity and her fearlessness to be authentically herself. Her recent album release is a perfect example of this, as she compiles her mature, real life experiences with a jumpy background and elements of pop: contemporary lyrics and a fast danceable tempo. Make sure to follow the social medias below to stay tuned for more music from PAENDA.

Written By Tessa Maddaloni



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