We're familiar with the idea of being honest to a fault - where one can be so truthful to their own demise. But what about 'being committed to a fault'? If you try to Google this phrase, it'll give you some crazy results about committing crimes, but that's not the idea of it. Being committed to a fault entails seeing a process, an effort, an operation through to its end regardless if that end has less than desirable results. Ainsley Costello's "Two Ships" perfectly captures how one can be committed to a fault in a romantic relationship.
"Two Ships" is a guitar-laden ballad that describes the obligation one has to see a relationship through to its end despite fully knowing it will not last. The opening lyrics for the single are: "Can't fight inevitability / Even though it's killing me". Costello is well aware that the relationship at hand has finally played out its course, but they wish otherwise. But as Costello points out, they and the other party are merely "just two ships / Together in the night / Two ships / Sinking at the same time". There is only so much that can be done in a connection when all the parties involved are sinking. Before you can extend your hand to provide aid, you ensure your own physical and mental stability first. But if neither party is stable enough to provide aid to the other, both will continue to sink by staying within arms reach. However, this is not a bitter goodbye because they "ended it as friends". This goodbye is simply the parties transitioning from romantic love to a platonic love.
Ainsley Costello is a singer and songwriter from the PNW that now lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She made the big jump to Nashville to create music full-time at 15, which is an incredible feat. Costello's music is indie-pop but lends itself to country-pop, with earlier singles like "Little Sister" sounding heavily reminiscent of Taylor Swift's earlier music. For east coast listeners' there's multiple opportunities to see Costello perform live! The earliest performances will be tomorrow, at Porch Fest starting at 2:30 PM in Hendersonville, TN and the Ainsworth Hotel for June 26th at 7:00 PM in Nashville, TN. But definitely check out Costello's website to see if she'll have a performance nearby you in the future. But if you're still PNW bound like I am, virtual love in the form of streams is always appreciated, too.
Written By Giavanna Gradaille