Your new song “Digging for Diamonds” is such a catchy, genuine pop song! What inspired you to write these lyrics and this song?
Matilde: Digging for Diamonds talks about a complicated relationship where he is hurting her by not respecting and playing with her feelings, and she expresses her emotions, sadness, frustration, and anger to the notes of this song. I love the meaning behind it. I feel like it is very relatable for people. It is also powerful, with a chorus that explodes to the heavens. The inspiration always comes from real life, because I love to share with my fans my thoughts and genuine feelings.
What made you want to pursue music at such a young age?
Matilde: Music has always been a passion running through my veins. From the very first note I knew music was going to be my life. I started teaching myself piano from youtube videos from the age of 6, then started singing and it all started from there, a Hannah Montana song at a school showcase. Music Is my way of expressing myself and my feelings, of sharing with people my experiences, my life and my thoughts. When I was twelve I started studying music seriously and making a collection of good experiences, growing up between festivals and rehearsals with the band in the garage. I have invested all of myself for it and to be honest I don't have a plan B for my life. Wish me good luck!
If you could perform live with any artist in the world, who would you pick and why?
Matilde: If I could perform with one artist I would definitely go for Charlie puth. His songs are incredible, his voice would match with mine very well and he is very hot. Would love to sing with him!
Congratulations on 1M views on your music video already! I love that you showcased your aerial aerobic skills! What was your favorite part about filming the video?
Matilde: I’m so excited about this result and I feel really grateful to all my fans who are watching it on repeat. I personally wrote the visual representation of this music video in the form of “Diamonds” and “Dust”. It capsulizes elegance and sensuality through aerial acrobatics and it shows empowering acting scenes in a giant cage. I personally designed and created the white and black wings and I adore the scenes inside the National Gallery Singapore where I wear a stunning red dress (Hayden Boutique Singapore) in contrast with the black and white stairs of the CourtRoom. This music video reveals my passion for fashion, makeup and hair style. It was so much fun! I loved every second of it, from the planning of the shooting to the selection of the outfits to the final product. Learning aerial for this music video was a struggle but I discovered this new passion I have and I’m excited to put it in use in other music videos or performances as well.

How was your experience at Sanremo Giovanni? Congratulations on being one of the finalists, that’s awesome!
Matilde: This experience was awesome! I got the opportunity to work with and meet people with my same passion. Got the chance to improve my skills and learn from a professional environment. It also gave me the opportunity to go back to Italy after so long (due to covid) therefore it was a double win! Sanremo is the biggest Italian music festival, and I was the youngest of the 46 selected artists.
If you could give young Matilde who’s just starting music some advice, what would you tell her?
Matilde: The music industry is tough. There are a lot of people that know how to sing out of there. What makes you unique in this world is your personality, ideas and feelings you express through your music, your project, your vision. I would suggest defining her artist personality and to work on strength, because you need a lot of it during this journey. Find it and use it to push through and achieve your goals. You are going to fall over and over and over again, but what matters is how you get up. Take every fall as an example of what not to do or do better, and always stay positive and strong headed. You can do anything you put your mind to, I promise.
Interviewed By Sarah Curry