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  • Sarah Curry

Interview: "Don't Text Me" - The Anahit

Q: Congratulations on the release of “Don’t Text Me”! What is the story behind this track?

The Anahit: The story behind this track is that someone in the past really played with my heart and I was naive and stupid enough to believe this person. I wrote this song as a reply or a letter to him.

Q: Why did you decide on “The Anahit” as the name for your band?

The Anahit: Anahit is the goddess of wisdom, water and fertility in the Armenian mythology. I chose this name years ago because I have Armenian roots and I thought having a name with a strong meaning would be really amazing for this project.

Q: Does one person usually take on the songwriting or is it more collaborative?

The Anahit: Yes, usually I am the one writing the lyrics and vocal melody (and sometimes chord progression). The instrumental parts and beat are written together as a band.

Q: How do you all handle disagreements amongst the band? I’m sure it could get hard sometimes!

The Anahit: Luckily we never get in huge fights, because we are all really careful with our words. If we have a problem or we are against something we like to have calm and respectful conversations and arguments even. We are always nice but also honest to each other and this helps us avoiding big unnecessary fights. Also what I think is amazing, that musically speaking we never really disagree, it feels like we are always on the same page which is an incredible thing.

Q: Is there one live performance of yours that sticks out as your favorite?

The Anahit: Yes!! We had an arena show supporting a well-known and popular Hungarian rap artist. We had the honour of playing in front of 12.000-15.000 people. It was breathtaking!:)

Q: What is one thing you all hope to achieve together musically?

The Anahit: We'd like our music to be heard all over the world:)

Written By Sarah Curry


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