Congratulations on the release of your new INCREDIBLE single “Perfect”!! Can you share what inspired you to write this new track and a bit about the creative process?
Loie: Thank you so much. Perfect is my love song of the EP. It describes how you feel right at the beginning stages of a relationship when you are completely smitten, and enamoured by someone that you don't see a single fault in them, they're 'perfect'.
Do you have any tips to help other songwriters? You have such a talent for writing!
Loie: Alway record the process. Voice note or film whatever melodies and sounds come to your brain at the early stages because this is your instinctual and most organic response to the music you hear.
What was the first concert you ever went to? And is there an artist you haven't seen live yet you hope to see one day?
Loie: I was going to music festivals from a very young age with family but the first concert I was about 12 years old. It was at Brixton 02 to see Ed Sheeran. Very cringe to think about now.. I went with a group of friends and our parents and we wrote his initials on our faces. I would love to one day see Doja Cat or Nathy Peluso. They are both the fiercest in the game, in my opinion, when it comes to choreography & production of shows.
You've done tons of live performances, including a bunch at iconic venues, which one would you say you were most proud of? Do you have a dream venue, anywhere in the world, you hope to play one day?
Loie: My most proud moment was performing at The Hootenanny in Brixton to over 300 people. That's a stage I had played as a young girl to near to no one so it was a 360 kind of moment that I will remember forever. I would love to perform around the world. Maybe a prestigious Jazz Bar in New York or something. I don't know? but I love intimate venues where people really listen and respect the music.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not making music?
Loie: Generally my priorities for my spare time is having new experiences or eating well haha. I like to see art, go to gigs or dance shows and feel inspired but I'm also a big foodie so I love having a big cook or discovering new food spots with friends.
What can we expect from your upcoming EP?! I can’t wait to hear it!!
Loie: I won't say much but its 5 tracks & we collaborated with some amazing musicians to bring it to life so there's some fabulous instrumentation in there. (Sax and live bass lines) We can thank Sam Posener, the producer, who did the majority of the soundtrack to this EP. He's done a beautiful job or creating an authentic and unique sound. I can't wait to share!
Interviewed By Sarah Curry