Joe & The Anchor’s song “Change” reminisces about a romance. The message follows someone passionately telling their love that they are still available and devoted to them. The way the words are considerate of the person the message is directed to, expressing the speaker’s feelings while keeping that person’s wants in mind, shows such an intimate vulnerability. The chorus says “if you want me to, I’ll hold you again”, giving listeners that sensory image of touch. This is the first suggestion of interaction given throughout the lyrics, and it’s a big one. It gives listeners the ability to relate to missing someone’s arms around them. There isn’t any sort of resentment in the lyrics for the relationship having ended, rather it is chock-full of hope. It feels like every repetition of the chorus makes the possibility of reuniting feel more tangible.
With a bright approach to rock-influenced love songs like Briston Maroney and a deep, glowing sound of Joe & The Anchor's very own, “Change” will make you feel as much as it will make you dance. An exciting and upbeat guitar introduction is punctuated by cool percussion, before the guitar fades into the background and the drums bring a bold energy to the verse. The vocals have a strong and smooth sound, with an alluring gravelly approach to the low notes. An excitingly expressive vocal pattern comes through in the verse, starting with slow and elongated notes for the first part of phrases, then speeding up for the end. It draws on the nostalgic feeling of the lyrics, before climbing higher and bringing a cerebral feeling to the introspective reach of the words. Guitar comes back in full force for the chorus as the vocals grow immersive and resounding. The pulsing vocal pace through the chorus brings a catchy and touching tone that captures the passion of love and longing.
Joe & The Anchor are a Swedish indie pop group with a guitar-heavy rock influence to their sound. In 2019, they released “Antidote”, their debut EP, and have continued to work on their music since. Their songs are deeply personal, delving into emotional highs and lows with their new twelve-track album “Coming of Age”. As five childhood friends, the band has an interconnectedness that comes through in their music. Along with their enchanting sound, Joe & The Anchor truly put work into the power of their lyrics, presenting them like poetry across their platforms. Click on the links below to follow the band!
Written By Hanna Kowal