"Cold Killer" is an anthem for those who have fallen into a player's trap. It's for those who knew what they were getting themselves into but still fell for their captivating tricks. This song focuses on the recognition that no one but herself is to blame. She saw the signs, she knew what this person was all about, but she still allowed herself to slip into their grasp. It is so easy to just let yourself get swept up in the immediate attraction and ignore the potential of experiencing heartbreak once it all comes crashing down. With a high-energy melody and an incredible array of tones and beats, noelle crafted this lively piece to reflect these emotions.
The aspect of this song that was most enjoyable would have to be the exhilarating energy this song electrifies listeners with. The melody has that 80s twist to it bringing a lot of color and life to the sound. There is a deep base to build the foundation for some ethereal tones, vivid beats, and rich sounds. This song perfectly translates the swirling emotions that one would feel in this situation. Along with this wonderfully crafted melody are noelle's clever lyrics. She hits listeners with witty lines such as "With my clothes on the floor I'm not yours anymore" and "all lies all the time can't believe you were mine." This song is absolutely addicting to listen to and keeps listeners' attention from start to finish.
Raised on the indigenous reserve in the Tyendinage Mohawk territory in Ontario Canada, noelle grew up surrounded by music in all forms. Singing since she was barely old enough to walk, she quickly learned the power of her voice. What started out as casually posting cover songs from her bedroom, soon led to her amassing over 90K subscribers on YouTube and eventually landing her a record deal. Now deep into songwriting, noelle uses music as therapy, knowing that her most authentic self is expressed through song. Working alongside some of today's top writers and producers (Phil Cook, Mike Wise, Geoff Warburton) noelle’s artistic vision is crystal clear and she's ready to take her unique sound out into the world.
Written By Melina Darlas