Have you ever encountered someone for one night and felt a strong desire to meet them again? Yet, as time passed, you didn't cross paths, and when you finally did, it felt like pure magic? SAPPHIRE’s latest single, “Corvette” is about this. A love story in the heart of downtown New York, where love stories seem to find their beginnings. This song tells of Sapphire at a bar, meeting a guy at 3 am. She vividly remembers him driving a Corvette and the fun time that they had together. However, she's waiting for him to come back into her life again, and constantly returning to that bar, hoping for his return.
This electrifying pop anthem draws inspiration from the romance and excitement of New York City nights. SAPPHIRE is so eager to encounter the guy with the Corvette again that she keeps showing up at the same bar where they first met, hoping he'll show up and they can speak again: “I’m there every night from half past nine. Hoping I’ll see your face in line.” She also remains vigilant, intensely watching for that unmistakable Corvette he drives: “But I'm here, where we met. Downtown New York as the city silhouettes. Looking out for your corvette saying maybe you’ll come back, maybe you’ll come back.” What I love about this song is that it doesn’t leave us on a cliffhanger! The story reaches its end as SAPPHIRE crosses paths with him once more, as they both reflect on sharing a distaste for the pain caused by the distance that kept them apart: “We wont forget all the pain we felt from the distance kept. Now we’re making out in your corvette. Cuz baby you came back.”
SAPPHIRE is a British 20 year-old singer-songwriter. She’s been in the public eye since she was just 7 years-old, where she would record and post herself singing her favorite songs on Youtube. One of these videos, which she has now reposted onto her TikTok page, currently has over 16 million views. Back in 2019, she had collaborated and co-written with multiple artists, including producer and DJ Alan Walker, where she sang the topline for the song “Unity.” This song has gathered over 100 million plays across all streaming platforms. She also has an EP releasing soon titled, “Test Drive,” where “Corvette” is the first single off of it. Check out “Corvette” by SAPPHIRE out now!
Written By Sneet Efrem