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  • Tessa Maddaloni

Review: "Distance" - Kid Travis

Long distance relationships are hard. It's difficult to be away from your person for that long, when all you want to do is spend all of your time with them. It can put a strain on relationships and can make staying together feel like an impossible feat. Kid Travis’ new song “Distance” talks about his point of view, and how much he misses his girl while they are in a long distance love. He has an upbeat sound, correlating to his positive attitude about the state of their relationship. Distance is tough, but it's just a blip on their radar and nothing they can’t get through.

Despite how upbeat Kid Travis’ vibe is, the lyrics alone are sentimental and heartfelt. In the first verse, he sings, “'Cause baby I'll wait / As long as it takes / Facetime isn't enough”. He knows this is a hard situation to get through, but he pledges himself to wait for her. He knows that they are meant to be more than just a facetime love, so he vows to make it happen. He continues this idea in the chorus, when he sings, “I don't wanna miss your kiss / Girl I only wanna taste your lips / Baby if I only had one wish / Distance wouldn't make a difference”. He just wants to be with her again, and is tired of not having her in his day to day life. Finally, the bridge repeats the same two lines over and over again, driving home his point. He sings, “Close ain't close enough / Baby four hundred miles ain't close enough”. No matter where they are, together or apart, it is not close enough.

Kid Travis is an indie / trap singer-songwriter who has almost 1 million monthly Spotify streamers. He is from Chicago, is currently 24 years old, and his real name is Damon Travis. He is also an internet personality, and has over 480k subscribers on his YouTube channel, where he posts his music as well covers. He has been recognized by many big name artists on this platform, including Post Malone and Dominic Fike. His music is similar to both of these artists, and it is clear that his career is only on the up. Make sure to follow the social medias below to stay tuned for more music from Kid Travis.

Written By Tessa Maddaloni



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