“Don’t Wanna Be Your Girl” by Bri Scully explores the complex emotions behind being in denial with your uncommitted relationship. The desire for something beyond a situationship begins with subtle acts of desperation. Leaving your jewelry behind so they have an excuse to call you for something more than your many nights together. When those don’t evolve into something more, you find it easier to convince yourself that this is all fine. Even while you want to be more than just their girl, this is all perfectly fine. But as each day passes, you grow more miserable than before. You make many changes and one-sided compromises as they remain uncommitted. They encompass your thoughts, but they simply leave out the back door as the sun rises. There is more you want with them, but for now and likely forever, you will have to live without any commitment.
Bri Scully’s latest single “Don’t Wanna Be Your Girl” is a dancepop and synthpop anthem that has differing instrumental variations in each verse and chorus. We are first introduced to 80s reminiscent dream electronic notes that remain as an essential background to the impressive vocals. When the pre-chorus and chorus begin, more instruments are integrated. We hear percussion and stringed elements that abruptly change this formerly atmospheric single to upbeat and lively. The first verse following the chorus keeps some aspects of it, but it quickly returns to more atmospheric, just with a few more prominent beats and background instruments. The most notable yet interesting alteration is the chorus immediately preceding the bridge. This delightful section keeps the guitar and bass, utilizing the previous chorus vocals. It remains this way for one run-through, and then the previous chorus elements return for the remaining repetitions.
Bri Scully is an American singer-songwriter who is currently based in Los Angeles, California. She has always been naturally inclined to create and write her own music, poems, and stories. When she first ventured into LA, she met and began collaborating with producer and co-writer Brandon Lew. In 2023, she released singles that received thousands of views across multiple streaming platforms such as Spotify. She has also released an EP titled “MANIC” which has been met with similar success. Some of her greatest music inspirations are artists such as Holly Humberstone, Billie Eilish, and Phoebe Bridgers. Make sure to follow her on social media and give “Don’t Wanna Be Your Girl” a listen!
Written By Willow Gray