Meeting someone new can be such a special and exciting thing, especially when that someone could be a potential romantic interest! In Myra Monoka’s latest song, “Drive,” the Hungarian singer delves into the feelings that come with meeting this special someone. I think this song has so many layers to it, but they all work together perfectly. For starters, the lyrics. “Come and take a ride with me. I love the way you’re drivin’ me crazy,” and “Look how you always want to make me lose my cool,” are two great lyrics that help to emphasize a lot of the feelings that, perhaps, many of us have felt at some point in our lives. Another thing I love about this song is Monoka’s addictive vocals. She sings in a very sensual, deep, breathy voice for a lot of the song. It’s a little sultry, in a way. I’m obsessed with it.
Arguably one of my favorite things about this song is the backing instrumentals. It sounds like she used a synthesizer for the majority of the song, and it works very well. Even for the opening of the song, before she has even started singing, you start to hear the stunning synth enter. It’s almost angelic in a way, and with the addition of what sounds like a violin, a beat was created that got me excited to replay this song every time. Having solid instrumentals and beats are both, in my opinion, extremely important. They can make or break your song, and in this instance, Monoka hit the nail on the head. Everything about this song works, I love it.
Myra Monoka is a Budapest-based singer, songwriter, and music producer with a love for R&B and electronic pop. At the start of her professional career, Monoka committed her time to working alongside various different musical artists. But in the last few years, she has branched out and begun to release her own songs. For “Drive”, Monoka collaborated with famous producer, Matt Lawrence, who is known for working with artists such as Beyonce, Amy Winehouse, Adele, and much more. Myra also released a music video for the song that utilizes the use of AI technology. It’s very interesting, and made me appreciate the song even more! Recently, Monoka has performed her music at various festivals and has even attended a few signwriting sessions in Nashville and the first-ever Stockholm Songwriting Camp in Budapest. With all of the success Monoka has experienced in the last few years, I simply cannot wait to hear what she releases next.
Written By Isabel Mays