“Fever” is a sexy and seductive pop jam about the joy and uncertainty when you’re irrationally into someone. It feels like you’re obsessed with this person as dark smoldering feelings consume you when you’re with or think about them. The narrative of desire and love evoking happy and positive emotions is vast, but desire and love oftentimes also evokes a darker and much more complicated mix of emotions. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, there’s jealousy, possessiveness, and rapture.
Keelan X expertly mixes elements of contemporary acts like The Weeknd with classic acts to create a blend of vibrant and cinematic sound. The wispy and dreamy soundscapes are propelled forward by the beat and catchy hooks. Keelan X leans into the synth-pop sound by drawing some background from 80s sonics along with contemporary pop, looking to merge the two into a rich and silky sound about love and desire.
A former member of the Irish band The Marigolds, Keelan had begun to lose his appetite for the music industry. But in 2021, Keelan Cunningham rummaged through his parents’ attic to dig out his untouched-for-years Telecaster & Roland keyboard. Hit with a sudden wave of inspiration, he began the process of writing and producing songs, culminating in the formation of his brand new project, Keelan X.
Written By Megan Cao