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  • Cheyenne Johnson

Review: "Friends ;)" - Daimy Lotus

Oh, the danger of sleeping with a friend. Daimy Lotus delivers a quirky new single, "Friends ;)," narrating the story of two friends straying far from the friendzone. The two have crossed that forbidden line and there's no going back to being just friends. With lustful lyrics, Daimy expresses how friends don't do what they have done. Though some may regret a situation like this, Daimy gives us an unapologetic pop-punk anthem, encouraging others to go after what they want with no regrets. She states: "I wrote this song in London together with Afterparty and Nova May about two years after I f***ed up my friendship with my then best friend. I never fancied him when we first met. We were even dating different people at the time. But we got closer and then we got really drunk one night and we were flirting and then boom. It was the scariest thing ever and I never thought I'd ever sleep with a friend but here we are! No matter the outcome, I feel we should go after what we want and trust our gut feeling more. So, here's to trusting your gut feeling and f***ing up friendships! Hell yeah!"

Daimy's single, "Friends ;)," is playful and edgy, adding a catchy new track to the pop-punk world. The song features a flavorful guitar-laden instrumentation, supporting Daimy's Haley Williams-esque vocals. From the winky face in the song title to the flirty melodies, "Friends ;)" is a cheeky and light-hearted anthem. The guitar riffs driving the song are lively and high-spirited, making the song an addictive listen. "Friends ;)" is perfect for anyone who is a fan of Yungblud, Paramore, Gayle, and Fletcher. Whether you can relate to the song's narrative or are just looking for a fun song, "Friends ;)" is a fantastic, quirky song that will have you listening on repeat.

Dutch artist and songwriter, Daimy Lotus, has been involved in music, singing, and dance since early childhood. In 2009, she decided to pursue a career in songwriting, and has since released singles, "Saturday Girl" and "Cannonball." She has been included in several Spotify and Apple Music playlists, and has received support from radio stations like 3FM, Radio 2, and KINK. To Daimy, music is therapy. She is open and soft, yet edgy, something easily heard in her songwriting. Daimy dives into themes centering around heartbreak, mental health, and self-growth. Her music is best described as empowering rock and pop punk. Some of her biggest influences are Yungblud, Gayle, and Fletcher.

Written By Cheyenne Johnson



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