Chloe Copoloff’s latest release is the perfect song for the broken hearted that have witnessed their former partner move on to their happy ending. “Happiest Day” was written after Copoloff’s first love got married to someone else, while she was still picking up the pieces of her broken heart. Six months prior to the wedding, he had told Copoloff that he still loved her. As a result, the marriage came to her as a shock and she was left devastated. In the chorus, she sings, “You told me 6 months ago// We don’t know what the future holds// But did you know the whole damn time?// There was no goodbye// I knew you wouldn’t let her go// But wish you would’ve let me know// Before all the papers got signed// It’s the happiest day of your life// But I wish it was mine.” These poetic lyrics paint a deeply vulnerable picture, sparing no details. The narrative Copoloff illustrates exposes her former partner for the emotional infidelity he committed against his current spouse. Her open honesty while writing the track was a cathartic experience for her. It allowed her to navigate these complex emotions and heal from the heartache. The song tugs at the heartstrings of listeners and brings tears to their eyes. “Happiest Day” is a beautifully written track that perfectly encapsulates the feelings of heartbreak, longing, and regret.
“Happiest Day” is a melancholy ballad that consists of a soft piano production that complements the somber lyrics. The song kicks off with Copoloff’s ethereal vocals singing the verse, paired with the soothing piano. This sets the stage for the gloomy atmosphere of the track. A couple of measures before the chorus, the acoustic guitar makes a brief appearance, before going silent. This allows the chorus to remain focused on the vulnerable lyrics and haunting piano production. The transition before the second verse reintroduces the acoustic guitar, before adding the bass that continues into the chorus. Then in the bridge, the song reverts back to the piano-only production, as the song reaches the emotional climax. This accentuates the intensity of the return to the full production in the final verse. Utilizing the compositional muting throughout the track creates a unique dynamic for the song and evokes further feelings of sorrow within the listener. “Happiest Day” uses the delicate production and complex emotions to mesmerize listeners and highlight Copoloff’s remarkable talent.
Chloe Copoloff is a 24-year-old singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles. At only 9-years-old, she began writing songs as a form of self-expression. When she was 12-years-old, she learned to play the guitar, which brought a whole new life to her songs. She grew up performing, so when it was time to apply for colleges, she knew she wanted to attend a school that offered songwriting as a major. Her school of choice was Berklee College of Music, where she double majored in Songwriting and Music Business Management. After graduating in September 2020, she moved to Los Angeles and landed a job in music publishing. From there, her career began to take off and her songwriting became not only her own, but other artists’ as well. She lends her talents to others in the industry, making herself a versatile artist. After years of struggling with anxiety, depression, and an eating disorder, songwriting became a coping mechanism. She now inspires to write songs that emotionally connect with her listeners and makes them feel less alone.
Written By Karlee Skipper