“Mediocre”, Meg Chandler’s latest release, is far from it. The song reflects a common experience for those her own age, the dreaded beginning of adulthood. Feelings of inadequacy and competition are prevalent at this pause in life and so, they are prevalent in the song as well. The struggle of trying to catch up to a fictitious idea of success is a burdening one, bringing to light the weight of a lifetime. As everyone is moving into nicer homes, moving up, and moving out there is an almost aggressive sense that they are moving past. Meg brings to life the common feeling of not yet being alive. The relatability of the song holds an almost humorous irony. The vast amount of young people who feel everyone else is surpassing them, in and of itself, proves that they aren’t.
The song is surprisingly upbeat considering its subject matter, but then that is the basis for the piece, surprises. It begins with an almost retro sounding drum, already allowing the instrumentals to stand out. This comes to a full stop when Chandler begins singing, a focus that is earned with her incredible vocalism. She has a voice made for pop, high, but with a range she isn’t afraid to show. Beyond the chorus, her tone in singing is representative of the feelings she speaks of, cascading down into a spiraling rant. The chorus, while catchy and impressive in its lyricism alone- truly stands out with her experimentation in instrumentals. It’s a refreshing sound, each beat being brought by something new that can’t quite be placed. It’s this creativity in all aspects of the piece that make it more than worth the listen.
Meg Chandler grew up in the rural countryside of Shropshire, surrounded by open fields, vinyl records, and a family that adored music. Carrying on this generational admiration, Meg began pursuing a career as a singer early on. In her success down this path, she still remembers to carry her roots of this love in her work today. She often references her hometown, the folk style of it, and the aged music she was raised on. Chandler prioritizes music close to home, whether that be through the vulnerability of her lyricism that is so often based in her reality, or the recognition she receives. She’s gained attention largely with BBC Shropshire, Radio 1 and 6, as well as Hereford and Worcester. She can expect more of this in the year to come as she continues creating the impeccably unique work she has.
Written By Hailey Schap