“On Brand” is an encouraging indie pop song about finding who you are. Sidney Bird digs deep into who she is an artist to write this feel-good anthem. Figuring out who you are can be a long and hard journey, but anytime you’re doubting yourself and your “brand”, just remember that you don’t have to label yourself or feel confined to certain interests. It’s okay to like multiple things that most people may not associate with each other. I think there’s such a stigma about certain hobbies and interests, that we often time think that we fit into one category, and one category only. We tend to think that if we’re athletic, we can’t like art. Or if we like country music, we can’t also like Kpop. However, “On Brand” is a reminder that we shouldn’t put ourselves in this tiny box– we can like whatever we want! It’s okay to be free and creative!
“I like patterns/ I hate blue” sings Bird during the chorus of “On Brand”. These lyrics perfectly represent the message of this pop jam and reinforce the idea that it’s okay to like and dislike what you want. Filled with synths and a variety of percussive instruments, the real star of the show is Bird’s vocals. Sweetly sounding, yet not too airy or light, Bird creates a powerful sounding vocal ability that stands out to be part of her “brand”. Along with this song, came an inspired music video which captures the vision of “On Brand” beautifully. In the video, we see Bird dressed up as many different personas. While she changes her outfit and makeup, she remains who she is at her core. With multiple passions and styles, she shows how we can go against stereotypes and enjoy whatever we like!
Having a passion for music since childhood, Sidney Bird continues to stun audiences years later. Following her graduation from USC as a dramatic arts major, Sidney moved east to NYC to pursue music and songwriting. Quickly gaining the attention of producers, Sidney began her career as a music artist. Drawing inspiration from other musicians such as Maggie Rogers and Halsey, Bird creates her own sound and approach to songwriting that people love. Finding success from her first album “Bad Timing” in early 2020, Bird works hard to create music her fans will love!
Written By Emily Hancock