It is human nature during times of misery to entertain slightly selfish desires. Sometimes these feelings are simpler to contend with and accept, like hoping that the person you long for misses you back. On Rowan Drake's latest single, "Part of You," the LA-based singer/songwriter gives himself the grace to express these desires for shared pain. Through reverb-soaked guitars and an atmospheric soundscape, Drake pulls together a crushingly intimate song nestled between moments of loss and progress. The mix is sparse, allowing for each sonic nuance to land with full force. Haunting, delicate, and gorgeous—"Part of You" is the sound of being left out in the cold.
"I may regret saying this tomorrow," Drake admits after letting himself be a little bit selfish. Drake's songwriting is intensely focused, like he's writing every word from a single moment. The variations between lines sharpens the broader themes into tangible subjects. As a talented vocalist, he's able to render jaded lyrics in peculiar shades of blue. "Hope you think of me when you make love to somebody new, / and it feels like something's missing he's touching you," may read bitter, but Drake wields them like confessions. Managing the pain of a breakup, he catches himself hoping his ex misses him the way he does. These brief moments of insecurity are processed in "Part of You" as natural products of grief. Sometimes you wonder whether misery really does love company.
Rowan Drake grew up surrounded by music, but he dedicated himself to songwriting at the age of fifteen. After a car accident ended his dream of competitive snowboarding, music became an outlet and exciting new horizon for him. After graduating High School, where he self-released his first song, Drake packed his car and left New York for Los Angelos. There, he signed to Atlantic Records and began his professional career as a singer and songwriter. Consistently releasing music, Drake is hard at work preparing for the release of his debut EP this year. His hope for his music, as he states, is to provide space for the emotions we've locked away.
Written By Andy Mockbee
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