“Peppermint Sky” chronicles the emotional journey that comes with idolizing and loving the women in your life. Each step she takes captures her infectious energy. You watched this woman carry herself with an alluring sense of being throughout the time you knew her. Every element, down to the sweet color of her, never leaves your memory. She taught you how to move about life and which paths you should follow down, leading you to the beautiful journey you are currently embarked on. When you were both younger, you promised her everything, but time and distance made this just a dream. She will always be a part of you permanently, like you can never remove handprints from solidified concrete. Even at night, she remains as a burning light which covers your life like moonlight.
“Peppermint Sky” is an ethereal cinematic pop anthem that carries with it a dreamy, sweet melodic tone that encapsulates its narrative. Every lyric of this single resembles an affectionate love letter to important women in the narrator’s life. The words with which Abi Carter sings have a light airiness that remains low. There are a few descriptive words within this single that compare a woman’s features to sweets such as Coca-Cola or peppermints. By comparing aspects of her to sugary sweets, the narrator’s affectionate feelings towards her are made clear. The primary instrument utilized in this single is a guitar that strums slowly along with atmospheric strings and other instrumentation. The vocalization, lyricism, and instrumentation intertwine to curate a uniquely sweet experience that perfectly captures the story being told.
Abi Carter is a singer-songwriter currently based in California. She began her music journey as a child when she began learning how to play the piano. Her family has always gravitated towards music and she grew up singing in church and singing competitions. Even as she began pursuing her Psychology degree in hopes of pursuing the psychology field, she was continuously drawn to perform at bars, clubs, and even on streets. Her skyrocket into the music industry began when she auditioned for and entered into the most recent of American Idol. In May of 2024 after an intense yet rewarding journey, Carter won season 22 of American Idol. She has released a few singles to massive success after winning American Idol. She has amassed a dedicated and loyal fanbase following her successful musical journey. Make sure to follow her on social media and give “Peppermint Sky” a listen!
Written By Willow Gray