This song, “Sunshine” by Alex Badger, is a summer anthem that tells the story of the aftermath of a short lived relationship. A story about love and about growth and self-acceptance, Badger shares in this song how it’s natural to be doubtful but you have to be true to yourself. Lyrics like “you say I’m like sunshine, though I tell you I’m like rain” and “I’ll go chase oblivion while you chase the next girl,” tell this story by showcasing how you can’t deny who you are but that might not always be what works with another person. At the end of the day, the most important thing you can be is happy with yourself.
“Sunshine” by Alex Badger is a pop rock, indie song that relies on atmospheric melodies and strong percussion to paint a strong picture of a summertime moment that’s slipped away. Starting off on the mellow side with a simple guitar strum backing soft vocals, you’re drawn slowly into the song, the beat and percussion picking up almost a minute through the three and a half minute total. Badger builds the tension throughout the piece by balancing the intensity of the instrumentals with the smoothness of her voice, building in moments of quiet in between the moments of strength. Overall, Alex Badger has managed to create a song that perfectly captures both a strong feeling and an aesthetic, tying together the two to share her message.
Alex Badger is an up-and-coming singer/songwriter born in British Columbia and currently based in East Vancouver, Canada. A creator of artsy pop rock and indie-pop, Badger has already gathered an impressive amount of fans in her budding career, drawing people who love her catchy percussion and deep storytelling. She released her first single, “Follow,” on November 2, 2023, followed by her second single, “Gum,” on March 14, 2024. “Sunshine” is her latest release. It was produced by JP Maurice, mixed by Ben Etter, mastered by Stu McKillop, with drums performed by Nathan Pope. Use the links below to listen to more of her music!
Written By Morgan Fischer
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