Sometimes, loss can be so consuming. It threatens to pull us under, and as we become lost in the undertow, we cannot help but go along with the flow. Yet, we are always able to eventually move on, and swim against the current– the bed we have made doesn’t have to be our coffin. And Randy Beth’s latest single “wilted flowers” is exactly that, a song about loss and the difficulty of it, but nonetheless coming out of that experience while we look toward the future. Time will pass. We will hurt, we will carry burdens, but we will take those moments and learn from them to become better and fuller in our lives. Contemplative and soft, “wilted flowers” is a comfort to those who have faced loss and returned home to tell the tale. The petals will always fall in the end.
“wilted flowers” is just one of those songs I could leave on loop for hours. The track is very understated, with the instrumentals being rather somber. The synth winds around Randy Beth’s melodic vocals, forming a lovely interplay between both sounds. My favorite part definitely has to be when the vocals are overlaid atop one another, humming along with the subtle synth in a hypnotic way. Combined, the soundscape seems as if it is gently pulling you by the hand to be led deeper and deeper into this beautiful song. "wilted flowers" is such a lovely dedication to growing from loss, and I think the lyrics definitely do this the best. The song discusses the act of collecting wilted flowers, carrying those hurts and being the vessel to protect others from that pain; the song continues, “I’ll lie in this bed of roses / Untouchable ‘cause I survived it / I’ll lie in his bed of roses / Made a home for me now”. I found this to be such a powerful way of describing the return home after experiencing loss, turning those dark moments into something that can bring comfort and peace. Those aches become a home, and in that rose-covered bed you become invincible because you faced that pain. And, of course, the best lines come directly after these, singing, “The petals fall somehow”. The time will pass anyways, the petals will flutter regardless, and once the unpleasant days have ran their course, we will be okay. To me, "wilted flowers" is like a hug during a warm summer day, or like the first cool spray of spring; it is a solace, a balm, to an aching soul.
Randy Beth is a singer-songwriter based in New York. While has spent most of her life pursuing theater, it wasn’t until 2020 that she decided to purchase a small guitar while she was going through some tough times and began to create music. With that guitar, she wrote her debut single, and the rest of her musical journey began to puzzle itself together from there. That debut single released in 2021, entitled “make a home”. From then, she’s gone on to release four more singles, including “wilted flowers”. Her music builds from the vulnerability and intimacy she shares with her listeners, and its mellow soundscapes help shape that further in creating that personal atmosphere. If you enjoyed Randy Beth’s “wilted flowers”, I encourage you to listen to the rest of her discography and drop her a follow to keep in touch.
Written By Alexa Leung