“711” is a call to action regarding the lack of it, feeling tired, depressed, and empty in the midst of chaos and what is supposed to be fun- like a late night 711 trip after the party. She’s describing this often isolating sensation of trying and failing to be “better”, listing off simple pleasures and commonalities amidst an overwhelming confession of anxieties about appreciating them. There’s hints at her substance use being just on the line of too much, and an odd feeling that maybe it should be, in order to make this experience more than just “part of surviving”. The way in which Emei portrays the isolating and confusing experience of being a young adult is something everyone should hear- and they can in this piece.
The song begins with chords that sound almost classical, setting up the piece as if it’s a cinematic scene that builds into Emei’s imagery with the grace of one. As she turns over each line, they pile and grow in pace, making every word feel more intense. When she reaches the chorus, the music turns into this electric pop that could be associated with club music, or music you’d hear on a night like the one she describes. Which is nothing short of ingenious when the lyrics so revolve around trying to bury these feelings in such an atmosphere. And outside of its symbolism, the beat really is fitting to these spaces, danceable and catchy. “711” is made to be played at a party, everyone hearing beyond the upbeat tune, looking around thinking they’re the only ones who do.
Emei is a singer and songwriter originally from New Jersey, now based in New York. Her rise to fame is one people dream of, and get the idea to dream of from movies about people like her. She was first brought into the public eye when she entered Chinese Idol and earned a spot at third, and a reputation for talent that would open doors later on. She graduated from Yale, a feat that could only be topped by her, as during her attendance there her first song went viral, “Late To The Party”. Now, she has over a million listeners on Spotify who tune in for her consistently skillful releases that have only improved since. One could say she’s achieved her goals but Emei always has more in store, follow her below to keep up with what that may be.
Written By Hailey Schap