Trying to sleep as that one conversation plays endlessly in our minds is a night where we've decided sleep is no longer an option. Did we say the wrong thing? Did we share too much? What do they think of us now? Sometimes these questions become so overwhelming that the best choice is to just stay home or say nothing at all. Is it wrong though to share what's on our mind? It can be hard to see that the problem isn't that we feel like we overshared, but that the people around us might immediately judge us for being honest. At the end of the day, these conversations can't be let go. It makes it even more difficult to share our thoughts without questioning everything we say to the point that silence is solace to the immense weight we fear our words may carry. Molly Frances expresses the thoughts we all share when we feel like we've said too much in her new song "big mouth." Biting our tongue can't be as bad as the conversations that haunt us at night, right?
The song opens with a question where Molly Frances begins to express her thoughts on whether she overshared and how she plans on dealing with that anxiety from the conversation. The melody has a soft, electric tone that gently pulses similar to how our heart races when we start to stress on things we regret saying. Though she continues to sing the first verse calmly, the pulsing melody continues alongside. She shows how she can still carry on the conversation normally while hiding the regret or worry she feels over something she had said. The beat grows stronger and her voice is powerful as the thoughts and questions grow endless. She knows that there's a chance they didn't even think twice about what she regrets saying and how they might also be having their own thoughts endlessly looping in their heads, but that lingering, stressful feeling continues. In the second verse, she continues to express how she tends to always share what's on her mind. She fears that her honesty might've ruined the moment, even though she knows they probably forgot what she said in minutes while she's still thinking about it for hours. She decides rather than share what's on her mind, she holds back and says things that don't mean as much as the things she actually wants to say represented by the "blah, blah, blah," in the bridge. Molly Frances' serene yet powerful voice perfectly highlights the thoughts and worries we have had in times when we've felt regret over saying what's on our mind. "big mouth" is truly a beautiful song to drown out the conversations we can't stop playing in our heads.
Molly Frances, who is established in Brooklyn, New York, started to grow in the music industry with her song released in 2022, "Meet the Devil." She was raised in Maryland, where she then moved to Nashville to learn more about music at Belmont University's School of Music. She is inspired and influenced by artists like Carol Ades and Holly Humberstone, but also finds great inspiration within her local community. Her emotional and relatable lyrics paired with her tranquil and powerful instrumentation has truly made her stand out as a indie pop singer and songwriter. Molly Frances will continue to show her talent in her pop EP "Collector" in the spring of 2025.
Written By Nini Alano