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Karlee Skipper

Review: "Do Therapists?" - She Is Jules

She Is Jules tackles the unique relationship between therapists and their patients in her latest single, “Do Therapists?”. She wrote this track from her own experience with therapy and how it has impacted her life. Throughout the song, She Is Jules wonders about the mental health of her own therapist. She begins the track with the hook, “Do therapists need therapists ‘cause that’s a lot to hold?” She goes on to discuss her concerns that the trauma she discusses in her therapy session only puts overwhelming mental stress on her therapist. She asks agonizing questions like, “Do I got too much baggage// It’s bursting at the seams,” and “Am I so traumatic// That she’s been losing sleep?” She is worried that her trauma is becoming her therapist’s trauma—that even though she is a professional, she herself is falling apart on the inside. But because it is her job, she has to keep it from her family and loved ones. She Is Jules even sings, “And I still can’t help but worry about her// ‘Cause if I sat in her chair// Think I’d lose it, I swear// Hearing everything that I’ve been through.” For those that have experienced anxiety themselves, these lyrics cut deep. It reminds them of their own anxious thoughts, where they hate asking for help because they are afraid it will only be a burden to this person. In the track, She Is Jules even admits that sometimes she likes to overthink, or “at least that’s what she tells me.” These lyrics hold a deeper meaning for those that are self-proclaimed overthinkers, and recognize that these thoughts are not the truth—yet they still worry. Although the answer is ‘yes’, therapists do often go to therapy, it is not due to her trauma. In the end, the therapist is happy to let She is Jules unpack all her emotions and trauma. “Do Therapists?” opens the door for important conversations on a delicate topic such as mental health and allows listeners that resonate with the lyrics feel less alone.

“Do Therapists?” wraps the sensitive lyrics up into a perfect dreamy pop production reminiscent of Taylor Swift’s Midnights album. The track starts with a synth keyboard riff that is paired with She Is Jules humming the harmonies. This sets up the ethereal atmosphere that remains for the entire track. After several measures, the lyrics begin, introducing the first verse. The keyboard riff remains steady, keeping the focus on the vulnerable lyrics. Leading up to the chorus, the production intensifies, introducing a light guitar strumming and a synth sound effect that ebbs and flows with the melody. In the chorus, the track is led only by the keyboard and She Is Jules’s vocals, including her angelic harmonies in the background. In the second verse, the song reaches a full production, complete with the high energy drums. This production continues into the chorus, complemented by unique synth noises that enhance the whimsical nature of the track. In the bridge, the song returns to the keyboard and vocals only, before exploding back to the full production in the last chorus. The exquisite track remains in the heads of listeners for days, as they are constantly drawn back to the relatable lyrics and airy production. “Do Therapists?” further demonstrates She Is Jules’s outstanding songwriting and solidifies her spot as one of the world’s next big pop superstars.

Julianna Pollifrone, known as stage name She is Jules, is a singer-songwriter from California’s Bay Area. At only 8-years-old, she learned how to play the guitar and began her musical journey. In 2017, she released her debut single, “Eyes Shut”. Since then, she has released over 20 singles, including collaborations and remixes with other artists. She has over 113 million streams on Spotify alone. Her sound is a mix of acoustic pop and electronic dance, providing an ethereal production that consumes listeners. She not only writes for herself, but for other artists as well. She lends her talented voice, creative songwriting, and infectious production to her peers, making her an essential asset to the music industry. She has made an enormous impact and continues to blow away listeners with her unmistakable talent.

Written By Karlee Skipper


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