The decline of something that we once believed was ineffably special. The slow wane of a love that once burned with a smoldering passion, slipping out of our grasp faster than we can think to save it. It’s a breakdown of love, a bond that used to burgeon akin to that of a delicate flower, the sullen tragedies that come with loving someone, how fast love can burn away into nothing. The song “EASIER” by RuBe tells a similar desolate situation in the harmonious tune of a song about the breakdown of a love that was once burning with affection, only to decline slowly at the dispense of unfaithfulness and being unable to forgive the person who had inflicted and caused so much pain and confusion. This song has the ability to tell the story of many listeners who have experienced similar circumstances of distress and unforeseen heartache. As the song expresses in heartfelt lyrics “it’s hard for me to forgive you in my heart”, which describes the difficulty and intense level of maturity it takes in a person to find it in their aching hearts to forgive someone who has betrayed their trust– something a plethora of listeners can, woefully, find themselves relating to.
The song starts off with an intense opening that grabs the listeners in an embrace, setting the tone and message of the song just within the first few seconds. Gradually, it carries out, giving our artist, RuBe, the opportunity to share her mellifluous voice and convey her emotions using sincere lyrics that pull at the sore strings of her listeners' hearts’. As we are introduced to the main hook of the song, the sound lingers, hanging on in a sort of echo as the beat of the song carries the rest of the tempo, matching the simple yet intensely vehement words that RuBe expresses. All flowing together, creating a sound that is so intricate yet also so austere. This song is something I find myself resonating with especially, experiencing similar emotions that this song so skillfully conveys through its lyrics and the emotion in RuBe’s voice. Although the meaning behind the lyrics holds some weight, I feel this song can be relished in many ways. Through its expressive lyrics as one, and through its resonating sound.
RuBe, the talented artist behind the song “EASIER” is an exceptionally young talent being only 19 years old and already so involved in her career as a musician! She is a singer and songwriter who resonates with sounds like dance and pop– especially known for her meaningful lyrics. RuBe sings about deep topics like mental health, love, and grief. While listening to her work, it’s hard to ignore her innate talents of storytelling through each one of her songs, bringing out a new set of emotions and sentiments for any listener who may find themselves contemplating the lyrics. It’s evident just how passionate RuBe is about singing and writing, she even performed at a BBC introducing gig and was made “BBC ONE TO WATCH” in the year 2022 for her songs “Broken” and “Trying”! As RuBe continues to grow as an artist and talented musician, I can’t help but wonder what kind of bright future is in store for her! I look forward to hearing more of her music! To keep up with a talented artist like RuBe, follow her socials, where she regularly updates all her followers and supporters throughout her musical journey.
Written By Rosalyn Sanchez
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