To mark a transition in her persona from "girl next door" to "I'm going to do it my way" type of girl, Piper 57 released her new EP which contains the track "Fake ID." This song specifically talks about that transition that Piper 57 has undergone and talks about how the decisions she has made in her past life are not a reflection of who she has become. In this piece she sings about how her "bad decisions are in the rearview" and "you can't blame me because that was the old me." She has been suppressing her true self to fit in, but now she is ready to let her true self shine through. She is willing to leave everything that could hold her back behind her to move forward. With smooth vocals and an electronic beat, this song is a powerful self-confidence booster.
The song starts out with a smooth introduction to introduce Piper's vocals. This allows for her voice to really be heard and for the message to be understood by listeners. Piper starts out by apologizing that she "crashed your car" and "maxed your credit cards" before stating that she has moved passed these things. As Piper sings these lines the melody and beat begins to pick up a bit more. Overall the melody stays pretty chill which allows for the electric beat to have the spotlight in the piece. As for her vocals, Piper has a beautiful voice. Her voice is very serene and full of emotion which makes the song even more powerful.
The reason Piper writes her songs are the emotions she has felt. Piper said herself “I have gone through some pretty extreme situations, learned my lessons” and this is what she is now passing on to her audience… In a sweet, extraordinary, and charismatic way.
Originally from northern Germany, after a zigzag through Europe and studies in International Music Management in the Netherlands, Piper finally came to Berlin in pursuit of the opportunities to realize her art to the fullest. She was lucky, came upon the right people at the right moment, producers and artists like Pascal Martin and A Girl Called Frank that helped her along her path, all the way to where she is now.
Piper’s tracks are electronic and danceable, but underneath the surface of catchy pop tunes lies a myriad of intimate messages. Her songs give advice, counsel, and a tiny nudge when it is needed – just the track you want to have in the playlist of your favorite songs.
Written By Melina Darlas