YARLIE released her latest Y2K-inspired pop piece entitled "go to hell." This song is a powerful anthem about all the times she should've told her toxic lover to "go to hell." It's for the people who know they should've left when they continuously decided to stay in that evil cycle. It's an ode to those who listen to their aching heart rather than their level heads and repeatedly choose the person they love. Once they finally see how much better life is once they leave this toxic situation, they finally have the power and strength to tell off this other person.
With a bubbly melody and strong vocals, YARLIE created this empowering piece. The melody stays very light in contrast to the stronger beat creating a lot of depth to the piece. As for her vocals, YARLIE provides a great middle point to tie in the beat and melody. Her voice isn't too light or too deep, giving a great middle ground for the lighter melody and deeper beat to meet. Because of this, all three of these aspects blend together extremely well making the song sound more cohesive overall. As for the lyrics, YARLIE sings such powerful lines talking about how she's done with her lover for good and that she would never fall for their games ever again. Overall, YARLIE definitely succeeded in creating a catchy and empowering break up anthem.
YARLIE made quite the debut last year with her EP ”Stupid With A Sore Heart” which received attention all the way from north of Sweden to Abu Dhabi. For example, she got playlist placements in Spotify’s ”GRL PWR” and Apple Music’s ”Made In Sweden”, to name a few. Coverage in Sweden’s biggest newspaper, Aftonbladet. Radio rotation in East Africa. Nominated as Best Pop Act in ISR Awards. Was headhunted as a model for Swedish fashion brand MONKI and performed live on Swedish national TV.
YARLIE takes being an independent artist and entrepreneur to the next level with her Instagram, where she has gained a stable following and become known for her original Y2K photos and edits. Not only does she creates all of her music and content on social media on her own, but she has also quickly become an unstoppable force in the body positivism and feminist movement.
Written By Melina Darlas