“Hollow” by Hunter Nelson is a truly exceptional song, due to its catchy and unique beat, and emotionally creative lyrics. The instrumentals capture the sullen tone of the song, whilst providing an impressive indie-rock beat. “Hollow” is what it feels like to go through a period of change, where you are left scrambling to find yourself. In this search you often find that you feel lost and empty inside, a feeling Hunter Nelson perfectly captures in “Hollow”.
"Hollow" incorporates references from both the pop and indie-rock genres, creating a unique but familiar sound for this song. The most impressive and significant part of the instrumentals is the drums. While supplementing the overall rhythm and melody, the drums also seem to have a melody and rhythm of their own. The drums essentially feel as though they are the song's main character, and rightfully so. Furthermore, the song is remarkable in how seamless and natural the transitions between the chorus and verses are.
Hunter Nelson is an up and coming Australian musician. He has the remarkable ability of using contemporary references from genres such as pop, and indie-rock, while still creating a unique sound for himself. The unique sound he has established for himself is also a reflection of his talent for production. Nelson has already released impressive songs showcasing his talent, such as “Hollow”, and plans to release more songs in the near future.
Written By Alison Holst