Three years later, after the release of his 2021 album, “Thirty,” Alex Gibson follows a different wave of sound and musical maturity with his folky and pensive new single, “Hurricane.” Gibson unearths a new piece of musical expression, a distant call from his older albums, which denoted upbeat and indie-pop sounds. The soothing track perfectly captures the journey of a seasoned singer and songwriter. Gibson melodically flows through the song like pulling waves, nostalgically reflecting on memories. His new single is based on the night he first met his wife, as Gibson writes, “You don't have to wake me up, because I'm not dreaming / I just found a friend, for the end of the world.” The song attests to the hurricane-like feelings Gibson is moved by within their passionate love. You can feel the rush and pull of powerful emotions as Gibson sings “We are floating down the Fjord / Glacial waters rushing by / There is passion in this moment / There’s a fire in our hearts.” Gibson graces us with a loving serenade for his wife which is deeply encoded with raw lyrics and soul.
Gibson's pleasant voice floats through “Hurricane” like a seamless fog, light and cool. The acoustic track is earthy and sentimental, with yearning dotted between each lyrical note and breath. “Hurricane” pays homage to artists such as Passenger, Ed Sheeran, and Chance Peña, with its folky undertones and ad-libbing ending verse. The combination of Gibson's voice and soft piano notes gives the song a dreamlike landscape. Static can be heard within the verses as if changing songs on an old radio or TV. With slower guitar picking and reverberating drums, the song's buildup is measured, thoughtful, and emotional. “You don't have to wake me up, because I'm not dreaming,” matches the dreamlike melody and nostalgia of the song. Although the song is light with a cool and reflective tone, the lyrics themselves are heavier and filled with longing. With this, “Hurricane” proves to be a deeper inward reflection and an authentic showcase of self.
In 2012, Gibson released his debut album, “This is Life,” and his second album in 2021, “Thirty.” The singer-songwriter is known for his indie-pop and soft-rock style, appealing to fans with his raw and authentic music that stems from his roots back when he was busking on Portobello Road and touring. In “Hurricane” this is expressed through modern production elements woven together with his original sound and honest writing. The artist has performed at London venues such as The 100 Club and OMEARA. He's also performed at a Sofar Sounds concert in Sweden, known for featuring “undiscovered sounds” and having famous artists such as Billie Eilish and Hozier perform before they became stars. With Gisbon following in the same steps, the singer has paved his way through determination, hard work, and spiritedness. Check out Alex Gibson's new single “Hurricane” below!
Written By Mia Chavez
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