“love again?” is a heartfelt track taken straight out of Sapphire’s personal journal. The song consists of honest lyrics that detail the delicate moment after a break-up when you find someone new. This new person is sweet and exciting, and they are the person you always wanted, but never had. Sapphire guides the listener through her experience with this feeling, and how her hurtful past has not left her jaded. Instead, her new partner makes her feel comfortable and happy. She starts the chorus by asking the question, “can you show me how to love again?” She then goes on to tell this person exactly how they make her feel—she feels safe and she “hasn’t shed a tear just yet.” The chorus then ends with the hook as a statement, rather than a question. Sapphire tells her lover that she feels all these positive emotions “because you showed me how to love again.” The parallel in the chorus between the question at the beginning and the definitive statement at the end emphasizes her certain knowledge that this person is right for her. They treat her in the way that she deserves, and not like the men in her past. After losing her trust, she fell in love with someone that reassured her that she can be loved unconditionally. The beautiful track is a poetic masterpiece that highlights Sapphire’s impeccable songwriting talent through the vulnerable imagery.
Sapphire effortlessly pulls on the heartstrings of listeners with the sentimental lyrics and the ethereal production in “love again?” The sweet ballad begins with unique synth sound effects before transitioning into the piano led verse. Sapphire’s angelic vocals guide the listener through the vulnerable lyrics with a soft violin playing in the background. In the pre-chorus, the violin mutes and the piano notes become staggered. A subtle guitar is introduced that draws emphasis on the build up into the chorus. When the chorus hits, the electric guitar becomes more prominent while the piano takes the back seat. In the second verse, the guitar and the piano remain, as the violin returns to the background. In the transition between the pre-chorus and the second chorus, the song introduces the steady drum beat and bass that brings out the full production. In the background, Sapphire’s flawless voice harmonizes with herself, further enhancing the whimsical element of the track. This leads into the bridge where the song reaches its emotional climax. In the first line of the final chorus, the song reduces to only the synth bass and vocals, drawing focus on the lyrics, before the song explodes back into the full production. The song ends with another run through of the bridge that fades into the unique synth sound effects found in the beginning, perfectly wrapping up the track in the beautiful manner it began. “love again?” is an unforgettable track that showcases Sapphire’s phenomenal vocals and innate ability to captivate audiences.
Sapphire is a singer-songwriter from London. She has been writing music for as long as she can remember, and she started her official musical journey by posting covers on YouTube. Her music is inspired by a great range of music, from legendary artists such as Carly Simon and Joni Mitchell, to modern-day pop superstars, like Sabrina Carpenter and Gracie Abrams. In 2017, Sapphire released her debut single, “Turn The Music Loud.” Over the years, she has released over a dozen singles, one full length album, and three EPs. She has been able to work with fellow artists such as Cashy Bear and Roy Kerr. Additionally, she worked with dance producer, Alan Walker, on her 2019 single, “Unity (Acoustic).” Sapphire continues to write and release music that are authentically who she is, and she shows no signs of slowing down.
Written By Karlee Skipper