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  • Rosalyn Sanchez

Review: "Phlip Fone" - Sasha Haydn

Sasha Haydn Phlip Fone Cover Art

We as humans crave a deep connection, one that goes deeper than the surface. In this day in age, it is so easy to form friendships and relationships with our devices rather than real human beings. Perhaps that’s just because it’s so easy to be convinced and persuaded by technology that we form a digital addiction due to how much we rely on our devices. It’s almost like a source of comfort that we cling to whenever we desire some sort of reassurance or when we want to connect with something. It’s so easy to get it from our devices, like for example the exploitation of AI usage— it’s almost as if the media was created solely to hook its users and keep us attached to our phones to shut out the world around us. Eventually, we fall into our addictions, and we tend to become so disengaged and uninterested in the real world that surrounds us. With an addiction to our devices comes addiction to social media which can then only provoke immense pressure from society. Yet, it’s as if we can be convinced by our devices. Sasha Haydn thoroughly explores the question “How does the human relationship with technology interact with the human relationship with other human beings” in her song “Phlip Phone” which truly delves deep with witty and pensive lyrics like “But, I could be convinced to give into a click-by-click kind of acquittance” that can leave listeners in painstaking thought, truly considering the question that Sasha has so meticulously included into such a psychedelic sound. A song that has perfectly highlighted the astonishing reality of our digital obsessions.

“Phlip Fone” has immense charm, the lyrics, not only are so intricate and invoke the cognitive mind, but they are also melodic and catchy as any other whimsical lyrics would be in a pop song. Analyzing the sound deeper, we can hear all the innovative ways Sasha has included digital sound as percussion which is such a striking way to make use of the sounds– it adds even more appeal to Sasha’s work, making the song just that much more charming. Sasha’s voice is a delightful instrument in itself, it carries emotion and delivers the message included in her lyrics. Her rhythmic voice adds the impact the song needs to mend together and create such a remarkable story that strikes its listeners. As I listened to the song, the lyrics were so loud, too loud to ignore. They managed to seize my attention and grapple with my thoughts, forcing me to not only follow along with the story depicted but bob my head to the sound that was undeniably catchy with its digital sounds that hummed in a melodic susurration. The message that Sasha strived to include managed to break the sound, and it stewed my thoughts heavily, in awe of such incredible work.

Sasha Haydn, the talented artist behind such a captivating song like “Phlip Fone” is an American singer and songwriter for genres of music like pop, indie, and pop-soul. Just listening to this particular song, “Phlip Fone”, it’s evident that Sasha puts her contemplative thoughts on paper, and manages to create a narrative for them, turning these loud thoughts of hers into songs and addicting sounds that listeners can relish and enjoy. Sasha takes her songwriting abilities seriously, and she even shares the process with her supporters, showing us just how immersed and articulate she can be whenever creating her pieces. Like her song “Phlip Fone” Sasha has also released more tracks that invoke new emotions like “Shower thoughts” which is her latest single, “Mercury in Marmalade”, “Eleanora”, and two more titled “Designated” and “Little Blue”. Despite her musical journey seeming to start in mid-2023, her rapid growth in music is unmistakable and remarkable. As Sasha continues to sing and write out her fascinating thoughts on paper, I will continue to look forward to any of her future releases! 

Written By Rosalyn Sanchez



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