Have you ever walked through the perfume aisle and spotted a gorgeous glass bottle glistening with a pink or dusky hue through the translucent glass? Sparkling under the store's too-bright lights, a fragrance too tempting to pass up as well as the reasonable price? A scent that sprays on sweet at first but dies off only a few hours later? In her breakaway song “Cheap Perfume,” singer Efi Gjika knows this all too well, in more ways than one. As does every other girl caught up by the too-good-to-be-true offer. Artist Efi Gjika perfectly embodies this feeling in her new single “Cheap Perfume,” which represents cheap love and empty promises. She describes how the outside image (or scent) can be deceiving, not an accurate representation of what the inward content truly holds. She writes, “Sold me on that pretty bottle / On the outside / Smelled the roses and the flowers / Then I smelled the lies.” Gjika highlights the falsehood and unreliability of the fleeting romance just like the perfume's fleeting scent. As her chorus highlights, “You are like cheap perfume / You fade away by the afternoon / You never stick around when I need you.”
Gjika’s lyrics are surrounded by an electronic upbeat tempo, a danceable number to play for any summer party. Her lyrics and sound convey the disappointment of a teenage crush, the rush of its rising, and the disenchantment left after its quick end. Despite the feelings of disappointment and regret, the song's chorus is wrapped up in a lively and soaring beat, as if to say this teenage romance was not too serious. The peppy tune reassures us that the sting of such romances is just as forgetful as the scent of cheap perfume, something not too heavy to meditate on. Gjikas's hopeful voice denotes a sense of confidence and moving forward after unveiling the facade and discovering the relationship's unreliability. She states firmly, “You never stick around when I need you / That's why I said I don't need you.” The charming song is the perfect antidote for anybody brought low by a summer love and needing a carefree tune to shout their feelings out.
Singer Efi Gjika is a dazzling young talent at the age of fifteen. Her songs hit on pop and rock beats, bubbly melodies, and catchy lyrics. With the release of “Cheap Perfume,” Gjika is set to release an EP later this year. Gjika says the single is "about finding the strength to walk away from something that no longer serves us and embracing our own worth." Gjika has released music since 2019, garnering inspiration from famous bands and singers like One Direction, Little Mix, and Taylor Swift. Gjika’s recent music is outlined with teenage edge and confidence, as seen in her recent single “Boyz Talk.” Her 2022 single “Mirror” also plays on themes of self-empowerment and courage, a thread seen woven throughout her music. With a positive aura and addictive tunes such as “Cheap Perfume,” we look forward with eager anticipation for what is next!
Written By Mia Chavez