Larsson has said of her latest single, “Package Deal”, “where I go... so do my packages. The packages are labeled: "trust issues" "my exes" "useless information from my exes" "trauma" "fragile". You realised you didn't sign up for this... but it's too late... she's a package deal.” Larsson sings of one of the many pitfalls of any relationship, romantic or platonic, learning to deal with all that comes along with that person, their “packages”. We as humans, of course, know the feeling of both learning to accept people and all of their “packages”, as well as that of finding those who will accept us and all of our “packages”. In fact, suffice it to say that having “packages” makes it easier to accept other people’s “packages” AKA no one’s perfect and we all have extra things with us besides how awesome we are 😊.
“Anxiety’s not who I used to be.” Yes, Larsson understands that anxiety is a learned behavior, whether that be through relationships or other aspects of life, we develop anxiety as a response to life’s experiences. “I’m trying to undo what he’s done to me. Would that help you love me more easily?” The pain Larsson conveys through these lines is the latter part of the package deal, the part where we’re grappling with our own inadequacies and wondering if others will be able to do so as well. Larsson speaks of her efforts with her new lover, to try and erase the damage done by a former lover. This is all, of course, in her mind and she’s wondering if her efforts are helping to ease her new love’s mind concerning her packages. Larsson even goes so far as to say, “I’d leave me too, I guarantee, cause I wouldn’t sign up for someone like me.” It’s this self-deprecating talk that doesn’t allow us to heal from past traumas that Larsson also speaks about. I do find it worth noting that Larsson also chooses to end the song with the line “Wouldn’t sign up for someone like me.” So, not only is Larsson hurt from her past, but she feels that she can’t be salvaged currently and that no one would “sign up” to be with her. Again, the devastation of your deepest darkest thoughts being brought to light and with such bright instrumentation in the song, Larsson is really driving the point home of inner doubts and overthinking. The music perhaps provides some hope in this darker situation, that package deals can be unboxed and tended to properly. Love accepts all, understands all, embraces all, and fights to protect all. May all “package deals” feel at ease with the fact that we’re all quite literally “package deals”.
Sienna Larsson describes herself as “an Australian singer-songwriter turning all my emotions into music. Writing music is my free therapy… I’m just trying to navigate through my 20's and all the relationship drama that comes with it; the good, the bad and the really bad. I feel what you’re going through, and I promise I’ll write a song about it…I probably already have.” I do find myself identifying with Larsson’s words, I feel that listening to music is my free therapy. I would agree with Larsson’s statement about her turning all of her emotions into music, with song names ranging from “Useless Information” to “Little Games” and even “Collateral Damage”. All of those names can convey a plethora of emotions for anyone on any subject, really. Larsson’s social media is on the rise across all accounts, with her monthly listener count steadily growing on Spotify. Larsson has found her niche and tapped into it. If you’re a fellow “package deal” and would like to keep up with Larsson and know what other songs she has in store for us, then follow all of her social medias below!
Written By Keiunna Thompson