I’m a big fan of role-playing and I think others should be, too. I know exactly where your mind went – get it out of the gutters, that’s not what I’m getting at. What I’m getting at is self-persuasion. Role-playing can be a great method to motivate ourselves’ to do something incredible, or to prevent us from doing something not as incredible and potentially dangerous. This tends to be the method I use; I love generating fictional arguments with myself about whether I need to do/perform/say x, y, and z, to get a desired result. But there’s other methods to be utilized. In the case of Wash Park’s “There’s Still Time”, it seems that repetition is the preferred tool of persuasion for the artist.
“There’s Still Time” is an Indie-Pop single with a nostalgic, new wave sound that centers on self-generated persuasion to enact change within yourself for the sake of love. The song opens with light and breezy synths to create this environment of tranquility – a crucial component when it comes to attempting to convince ourselves’ to do something. It’s not too long before the audience gets to hear the introduction of Wash Park’s dreamy vocals accompanied by bright drumming and entrancing electric guitar notes. The melody is relaxing; it beckons a listener to slow their roll so they can better reflect on themselves. But this is more than just a reflection period. This is the much-needed prompting to change and be better for someone that happens to be object of our love. I feel four lyrics drive this sentiment home: “You're on my mind / I don't know why / I never seem to get it right / But I'm willing to try again”. This is followed by some momentary anxiety, but it’s quickly overcome by the artist’s repetition for change. By repeating that “everything must change” and “there’s still time to change”, listeners are seeing the artist’s self-generated persuasion play out before them. Eventually this tool of persuasion will provide the necessary encouragement to pursue a second chance honestly, and hopefully get it right this time around with the person they love.
Wash Park, better known as Denver’s Keaton Dean, is the brains behind the music and the only face for the project, too. The one-man project exclusively features vocals, production, and instrumentals all from Dean. An extremely impressive undertaking from the 22-year-old. And he’s also got the coolest name ever; just switch around his first name and surname – you now have an iconic character from The Usual Suspects. Cool name aside, Dean is driven to write music that has a captivating sound and thought-provoking lyricism. “There’s Still Time” is the third release from the artist this year, with his debut single, “My Best”, gracing listeners ears back in February. If you’ve enjoyed Wash Park’s musical sophistication as much as I have, definitely show the artist some virtual love in the form of streams, likes, and follows.
Written By Giavanna Gradaille